The Modulblok Training Service can keep the staff of Companies up to date, keep their safety at the highest level and allow for the strict observance of regulations.
Trainers are available for:
Classroom training
- Training seminars on logistics issues
- Training programs for warehouse operators
- Preparation for the role of Storage Equipment Safety Manager (PRSES according to UNI EN 15635)
Training in the Company
- Training sessions for specific topics related to stored products and management needs
- Training programs for specialised warehouse personnel
- Training sessions for awareness raising regarding staff safety
- Presentation and illustration of newly installed solutions
Courses and seminars
Warehouse systems are an integral and essential part of any logistics system, for the ability to make the right product available in the right place, at the right time and with the right cost.As for the design of a warehouse, the training of management professionals in every role must necessarily analyse and consider the specific aspect of the logistics network, the definition of quantitative and qualitative material flow characteristics, and the detailed analysis of the interfaces with the segments of the logistics system upstream and downstream of the chain.Modulblok Trainers prepare warehouse staff in a way that is tailor-made and specific to the features of the warehouse itself and its related supply chain.
Courses for RSPP
Each kind of warehouse requires specific skills and preparation to ensure worker safety. Modulblok trainers prepare Safety Officers capable of managing common situations and any specific and characteristic critical occurrences of either “factory warehouses”, raw material or finished products storage, both “distributive” or “inter-operational”.For our customers’ peace of mind, we propose training packages of different level according to their real needs.